14 June 2022

Trauma Summit 2022

Trauma Summit 2022 Recap

40 speakers, 55 hours of presentations, more than 2000 delegates. It was a place to meet, chat, hug, cry, learn and to heal. This was our very first time running a fully hybrid conference and although it was challenging, the benefit to all who attended far exceeded what we could have imagined. The hybrid option gave everyone the opportunity to attend whilst navigating the pressures of the current climate. The speakers had not seen each other in person for years. Animated conversations took place with other delegates, exhibitors and speakers. The world experts on trauma and trauma healing, who had come to Belfast, in person, live stream and pre-recorded, willingly and enthusiastically shared their knowledge. Everyone had struggled with flights, Covid and the novelty of travelling once again, but everyone triumphed over all these adversities to make the conference a success and to be better prepared for an exciting future, helping the world to be a kinder, safer and better place. Perhaps nobody illustrated this better than Fritzi Horstman, who visited Magilligan prison in Northern Ireland just before the conference to speak to prisoners about her Compassion Prison Project which was featured on UTV Live television. Nothing like this had ever happened before. We cannot wait to welcome everyone back in 2024!

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