21 October 2021

Young Hearts & Minds Conference 2021

Young Hearts & Minds Conference 2021 Recap

‘That’s a wrap!’ Our first, hybrid, Young Hearts & Minds conference is over and what a fantastic two days we had. Despite all the challenges we faced along the way and the continual changes that we had to make, due to Covid – We did it!

The conference felt inspiring, emotional and heartfelt. With the Belfast Philharmonic Virtual Youth Choir setting the tone each day, we had the delight of Koulla Yiasouma, Northern Ireland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, welcoming our delegates to the conference. The day was enriched with such a varied range of speakers, addressing a wide range of topics from lived experience stories, to understanding behaviour and the Polyvagal Theory, to looking at the impact of covid on children and young adults. The conversations were diverse, full-bodied and at times emotional, but it was beautifully rounded off with a dance piece choreographed by two local performers entitled ‘This is me’.

The learning and networking everyone experienced and enjoyed over the two days will make a difference in the lives of many children and young people across Northern Ireland and beyond. Our sincere thanks to the delegates who attended Live and joined us virtually, our exhibitors for their resources and support to the conference and our fantastic speakers for joining with us over the two days.

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