20 January 2021

Intergenerational Trauma Conference 2021

Intergenerational Trauma Conference 2021 Recap

We have been blown away by the feedback we have received from everyone who attended our Intergenerational Trauma Conference in January. Listening to world-leading experts at a time and date that suits you. All our speakers brought a wealth of knowledge and wisdom and freely shared with everyone via zoom how we can “break the cycle” for future generations. As a team we were totally inspired and changed by what we heard and will continue to strive to make a difference in any way we can.

It is difficult to have a conversation today which does not involve vaccinations, variants, homeschooling, social distancing, restrictions and lockdowns. All these words lead to stress and anxiety, however, our conference helped us understand the importance of words such as:

HOPE – It is the cornerstone of the trauma world that we inhabit.
GRATITUDE – It even boosts your immune system.
LOVE – In the absence of touch, it can be difficult to express, but we are all innovative and can find ways around that. You can see it in your face and eyes on zoom.
COMPASSION – This is another powerful word and an even more powerful feeling to have. It supports the connection and healing of mental and physical scars. We all need to feel it within ourselves first and that allows us to pass it on to others.

We have been really touched by the support of all our visitors, delegates and speakers over the last year. More recently, we have been asking some of you to roll over/change tickets. This has been met with overwhelming goodwill and generosity. Please accept our genuine thanks and appreciation for your help and understanding during this world pandemic and for helping us transition from live conferences to virtual conferences. It was not an easy task, however, the support from everyone made it so much easier. Following the feedback we received after the conference, a large proportion of our delegates especially those on the front line said they would like to hear more about Verbal First-Aid (VFA) which featured in the program, so with the agreement of Judith Prager who is delighted to do this at no cost, we are going to make some specially recorded VFA modules available online, free of charge to anyone who wishes to view them.

Module 1. NHS, Front Line Workers, First Responders.
Module 2. Chaplains, Religious leaders, Counsellors and anyone working with bereavement and grief.
Module 3. Teachers, Educators and anyone working with children and vulnerable people.
Module 4. Parents, Carers and anyone managing and working with family life. Further details will follow over the next seven days.

So for now, we will continue planning and working with Organisations and individuals to BUILD RESILIENCE – BEAT THE TRAUMA – BREAK THE CYCLE!